Hours & Office Closures

Our office is open from 8am to 12pm and 1pm to 5pm Monday - Friday. Our phones turn on beginning at 9am. If you are coming to pick up clubhouse keys, drop off architectural plans or get a pool key, we ask that you try to arrive prior to 4pm to allow us sufficient time to assist you. 
Office Closures
HAS observes the following holidays each calendar year. For 2024 they are:
JANUARY 1                                    NEW YEAR'S DAY
JANUARY 15                                  MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR DAY
FEBRUARY 19                                PRESIDENT’S DAY
MAY 27                                         MEMORIAL DAY
JULY 4                                          INDEPENDENCE DAY 
SEPTEMBER 2                               LABOR DAY
NOVEMBER 28                              THANKSGIVING DAY
NOVEMBER 29                              DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING
DECEMBER 24                              CHRISTMAS EVE
DECEMBER 25                              CHRISTMAS
DECEMBER 31                              NEW YEARS EVE